To Want What We Have: 1 John 2:12-17
We have what we need to have; we know what we need to know. Jesus gives us all we need. And we have it!
Staying in the Shade of Christ: 1 John 1:5-2:2
We live in the Light of God by staying in the shade of Christ.
The Word of Life: 1 John 1:1-4
We have the blessings of the Gospel by believing the eyewitness testimony of the apostle.
That You May Know: The Purpose of 1 John
We have fellowship with God through the Gospel message.
2 Timothy 2:15 and 3:16-4:4: Reading the Bible for Fun and Profit
Rightly handling the Word of Truth.
Philippians 3:8-14: Living Things Grow
Christian living involves growth. Living things grow, and we are alive in Christ.
Numbers 6:22-27: We can Rest in Jesus
God blesses and keeps, gives grace and peace, so we can rest in Him.
Philippians 4:2-9, Think On These Things
The Word can heal our minds, renew our spirits, and mend our lives.
Psalm 107:32-43, How to Prosper in Everything
The steadfast love of God is where our wisdom comes from..
Psalm 107:23-32, The Storm-Stilling Savior
The steadfast love of God continues to surprise.
Psalm 107:17-22, Cause for Sacrifices and Songs
The steadfast love of God continues to surprise.