Discipleship 101: The One Thing

Discipleship 101: The One Thing.  Disciple-ship, -making, is the One Thing God has ever been working on: drawing us all together closer to Jesus.  Therefore, Discipleship is the Christian Life.  The Christian Life is discipleship, and disciple-making.


I'm a small-town Wisconsin photographer, digital strategist, motorbike aficionado, and expert silly face maker. Obsessed with: gadgets, my 8yo niece, and all furry, four-legged creatures.

Most days, you'll find me in flip flops, working from the hammock with a smile on my face and a cat called Noodle in my lap. My bags are always packed for my next two-wheel adventure, because you just never know when an opportunity might arise.

My photography style? It's real and authentic. I'll do just about anything to make you laugh, and focus on those precious, candid moments that naturally occur when fun is being had.

Years from now, I want you to look at your photographs and have all of those memores come flooding back. The innocence of your littles when they are just a few weeks old, the vibrant smiles of your toddler when they got to dig into an entire cake all by themselves, the family portrait of your whole family together before your babies went off to college...you'll almost be able to relive those magical moments all over again.

That's why I do what I do. To capture the moments - the stories - of your life so you can relive them whenever you need a smile.


Discipleship 201: The Map