Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. (Psa 51:12-13)
The psalmist prays for a restored sense of the joyousness of salvation. He prays to be upheld with a willing spirit. Joy in our hearts and Eagerness in our spirits: that’s being alive!
That is part of the gift God gives us in Jesus. Yes, forgiveness from sin. Yes, eternal life with God in glory. Yes, washing from all shame. Yes, entrance into the Kingdom-community. Yes, pardon from all guilt.
And yes, a spirit, in The Spirit, of power, love, and discipline. Yes, a gift to be and to give to the church. Yes, a confession to testify within our worlds. Yes, the best news in our hearts and holy energy animating its spread.
There are, in other words, restorative blessings in the Gospel but also inspiring blessings.
The next two weeks we’ll look at the phrases of Psalm 51:13, “…I will teach transgressors Your ways and sinners will return to you.” But notice today the simple hinge-word, “then.”
We’d love to introduce people to Jesus in an effective way. We’d love love love to see sinners redeemed. Is there anything better in all the world!? No. There isn’t. New Life in Christ is the best thing to behold, to be a part of, to bend ourselves in service of. It’s just the best.
But it comes after the word, “then.” My motivation to teach… and their willingness to listen… both happen “then.”
“Then” when?
When I feel joy in the Gospel. When I am willing. When those things are true, “then” these others things will be.
Try to teach something you don’t care about. It’s hard. It’s ineffective. Try to call someone to be willing to change when you aren’t super willing to try to call them to it. It’s impossible.
What needs to happen first is a work of God, an answer to prayer.
What needs to happen first is a work in me, in my soul and my spirit.
Not me working: planning scheming revising testing executing evaluating improving. And not a work in them.
What we long to see God do in our worlds comes after the word “then.” When we have called to God to restore our hearts and energize our spirits. When we have been awakened and enlivened by the message of Jesus.
God. Gospel. Prayer. Me. My Joy. My Willingness. “…then…”
Pray: “let me again feel joy because of Your salvation. Sustain my spirit with a desire to obey You.”
And the rest, as they say, shall be history.
[TLDR: God working in our lives begins with God working in us.]
Photo by Virgil Cayasa on Unsplash